Oh cool, this actually showed up pretty fast.




Dagger Magician, Ety
Magia – [AUTO] : When this card is placed on (RC) from your hand, if you have a vanguard with “Harri” in its card name, choose a grade 2 or greater card from your soul, and you may call it to a (RC) in the same column as this unit. At the end of that turn, put the unit called with this effect into your soul.
[AUTO] (RC) : [Put this unit into your soul] At the end of your turn, if you have a vanguard with the magia ability, you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (1).

And so, another Harri-related card. This doesn’t look so bad- okay I lied. It’s not a very great card, to be totally fair. The deck already limits itself to nothing but superior calling from the soul, so why severely limit this unit? It’s almost like the problems seen with Cutie Paratrooper: limited in activation window, limited in scope. This offers more freedom, but requires being called from the hand; in the same deck that Bushiroad insists will never have to call from the hand (lol).I think the bigger insult is the -1 they expect you to take for a soul charge at the end of the turn. What is this, Dark Irregulars?

Although, if there’s one thing I can’t complain about: it lets you pitch it into the soul at the end of turn. Okay, yes, I called it an insult before, but that’s because calling it from the hand is the real -1 to that. When is it not a total -1 to get the soul charge? When called off of a Magia ability. Magia would otherwise just send it back with no rhyme or reason. Pitch it into the soul at the end of turn, you otherwise got a bonus from your Magia. Not a very good one, but it’s kind of a step forward. Hopefully there’s more abilities similar to this, because it’s technically the best card a Magia deck could have hoped for: it just needs to actually resemble card advantage. Or hell, finally bother releasing card advantage Grade 2’s so that Ety can actually have a decent call target (and not just more CALL HARDER shenanigans).


Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier
[AUTO] (Soul) Limit Break 4: [Soul Blast (1)-another card with “Silver Thorn” in its card name] At the beginning of your main phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, call this card to (RC). You may have this unit get [Power]+3000 until end of turn. If you do that, at the end of that turn, put this unit into your soul.
[AUTO] (VC): During your turn, when your G unit with “Silver Thorn” in its original card name Stride, choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets “[AUTO](VC):When your unit with “Silver Thorn” in its card name is placed on (RC) from your soul, that unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn.”.

Wowee this Luquier is simply fantastic. I mean simply fantastic. The abilities are both just simply great. While the Limit Break is basically “magia”, it’s still calling itself from the soul: which is way better than what Magia itself offers you. Also, because of calling itself from the soul, it gives you the ability to swap it out for something more permanent with Zelma, which is amazingly good stuff. The amazing part is that this gives you incentive to Cross Ride over this unit: giving you a 13000 defense on their turn while still maintaining the offense on your turn. Another thing this unit is capable of is essentially feeding your Upright Lions, if they were still on the field for this. Luquier’s Limit Break also feeds this unit too:




Mystique Luquier can just take the newly-fielded Luquier and turn them into permanent cards as well (while also getting more soul back). This feeds into the Upright Lion mention too!

And for further bonus, that Stride Skill it provides to your Silver Thorn G-Units is just so friggin’ good. Mystique Luquier always kind of suffered from basically requiring Upright Lion on the field in order to push harder. Luquier’s Stride Skill, alongside Mystique Luquier’s ACT ability, brings you all the power you need for the initial stride to be very push-y. Don’t forget the initial early game that Silver Thorn comes with! Their early game pressure was always pretty famous for being a bunch of on-hits with the ridiculous potential to rush you dead. Thanks to Luquier’s Stride Skill, now those units come with additional pressure. Mystique Luquier can fish out Ana and Maricica to provide lanes with additional pressure thanks to the bonus power +3000’s provided from Luquier’s skill. If you want additional power to your lanes, there’s always Colette. The chances of Colette not netting you a Silver Thorn soul charge is pretty low, considering most of the deck would be Silver Thorns. Power totals out to +6000, making Colette a 13000 power rear guard. Place that behind Maricica. Badda-bing. Space may or may not be difficult since Colette, Ana, and Masquerade Bunny sorta wrestle for spots. Colette or Ana will probably have to be dunked to lower numbers, or be ran at 3 each while running Masquerade Bunny and your perfect guards of choice. Seeing as this season seems to feature a lot of Stride fodder (read: Dudley Jetter), this might be the perfect chance for Silver Thorn to get one for themselves. Not to mention any potentially good Silver Thorn-named rear guard support!

This might finally be the time for Pale Moon players to rejoice! Well, only if they’re Silver Thorn players anyway. Someone in R&D very clearly loved them some Silver Thorn, hahaha.




Included here is a reprint for King Serpent (which is funny because it’s a card that lost favor a while ago). Reprinting a card that’s previously promo-exclusive is still a good choice anyway.


Maltreat Shade
[AUTO]: Hollow
[AUTO] Generation Break 1: [Put this card on the bottom of your deck] When this unit is retired from (RC) due to the effect of the hollow ability, if you have a vanguard with “Nightrose” in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, Counter Charge (1).
[AUTO] (RC): When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with “Nightrose” in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each of your hollowed units until end of that battle.

I mean, it’s not a terrible card. It’s pretty nice by virtue of what Nightrose loves doing: counter blasting five million times and then recharging most of them at the end of turn. It even fits very well with Nightrose’s Generation Break 2, giving you two counter charges at the end of the turn. Although, I’m not sure how much one would care about this card. Grenache already has the ability to potentially counter charge 4 total cards, so that point’s a bit of a bust. The ability to become large is kind of there, but not really there. +2000 is lame, let’s be totally honest. If it were +3000 per unit in the Hollow state, then we’d be talking! But that’s not the case. It’s ultimately a bit of a lame card. Not to its own fault, but because Nightrose already had really good options to work with from the start.


Overall, nice reveals, kinda heavier on Pale Moon’s side since it’s a surprise that Pale Moon could ever get a good card. Let’s see if they can keep it up, though.

See you.