[Card of the Day] Battle Sisters

Annnnnd I guess this means I can expect garbage from Oracle Think Tank from here on out.


[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 2:[Counter Blast (1)-card with "Battle Sister" in its card name] At the end of your opponent's turn, if the number of your units with "Battle Sister" in its card name is three or more and cards in your hand is three or less, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card. [AUTO](VC):During your turn, when your G unit with "Battle Sister" in its original card name Stride, choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "[AUTO](VC):[Soul Blast (1)] At the end of the battle that your rear-guard with "Battle Sister" in its card name attacked a vanguard, if the attack did not hit, you may pay the cost. If you do, Counter Charge (1).".
[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 2:[Counter Blast (1)-card with “Battle Sister” in its card name] At the end of your opponent’s turn, if the number of your units with “Battle Sister” in its card name is three or more and cards in your hand is three or less, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
[AUTO](VC):During your turn, when your G unit with “Battle Sister” in its original card name Stride, choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets “[AUTO](VC):[Soul Blast (1)] At the end of the battle that your rear-guard with “Battle Sister” in its card name attacked a vanguard, if the attack did not hit, you may pay the cost. If you do, Counter Charge (1).”.

Battle Sister, Madeleine

Hokay, while I like to take steaming shits on Oracle Think Tank reveals for being lackluster: this has the potential to not be total shit. But that’s gonna require a loooot of effort on Bushiroad R&D’s side of things. A lot. Like, okay, that Stride Skill could be cool: but Battle Sister’s on-hit abilities tend to just be “draw harder” abilities. That’s not their fault though, that’s just the clan they’re stuck with. So let’s give it a whirl here: they’ve got Cocotte, Pannacotta, Pudding, and Marshmallow. Let’s assume space is going to be used for Battle Sister, Pudding if we’re going to stick to running Gelee in our main decks. That’ll guarantee one of the different forms of on-hit, I guess. Then I guess we’re also gonna run Cocotte and Pannacotta. Okay, that’s well and good. However, at the end of the day, why does the opponent care? All you’ve done is add cards to your hand (or counter charge and add power +3000 to something, but your opponent would technically just guard that if they couldn’t really stop the next attack that got power bumped). I don’t feel like there’s anything to gain from here, y’know what I mean? Card advantage is cool, but working for your card advantage is not as cool. Lemme rephrase that, because then I just sound like the game is ridiculous: “Card advantage is cool, but breaking your back just to get some +1’s isn’t as cool”.  And that’s what running these cards does. It breaks your back.

The overall gain from an on-miss counter charge 1 ability also isn’t worth a damn. Recovering resources is fine and dandy, but literally what resources are you replenishing? From what I can recall, Battle Sister already had enough resources on their own through “Battle Sister, Lemonade“. Okay, I’ll be more fair: two separate instances are sometimes better than one instance of two counter charges. Rarely is that the case, but I’ll grant it.

The added insult is the Generation Break 2. Do you recall my previous rhetoric not too long ago?

“Card advantage is cool, but breaking your back just to get some +1’s isn’t as cool”

That’s where this applies too. You’ll never rip that +1 if you’re faced against decks with the capability to wipe the board, or Link Joker. You’ll also never rip that +1 unless you’re “Brave”, yourself.

Somehow, this card managed to put Shadowstitch and Brave all in one card: and is outright garbage. I mean, it has potential… if Battle Sister gets insane on-hit advantage. But they don’t. Not right now, anyway.

Someone save this clan.


[AUTO]:Forerunner [ACT](RC):[Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul] Reveal three cards from the top of your deck, if all those cards have "Battle Sister" in its card name, choose a card other than "Battle Sister, Compote" from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
[ACT](RC):[Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul] Reveal three cards from the top of your deck, if all those cards have “Battle Sister” in its card name, choose a card other than “Battle Sister, Compote” from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.

Battle Sister, Compote

Y’know, I’m this close to just giving up writing articles again (I’m joking, I’m stuck here forever). What even is this. Why is this happening. What’s going on here. Why isn’t this just a trigger for Battle Sisters?









Like, okay. I have one big, and rather important, question. Why in god’s name would I be running Compote over, say… Waffle? I mean, there’s a difference between tutoring and recruiting, but why am I choosing Compote, with the obviously inferior ability? Recruiting may be less valuable than tutoring, but Waffle isn’t a detriment to the offense (5000 base power for boosting). It also doesn’t backfire (looking at the top 3), and it even has a nice little bonus on top of that (+2000 to the unit that was recruited).

What this thing does it just straight up add to the hand. Potentially backfire if you had the audacity to run non-Battle Sisters. As of yet, there’s unknown bonuses for calling anything from the hand. Battle Sister Cocoa sure doesn’t only activate upon being called from the hand. Nor does Lemonade. Or anything relevant for that matter.

I just don’t even. I pray the new Battle Sister Stride actually brings something to the table if Madeleine has to be horrifyingly bad, while Compote is infuriatingly bad. Because I just don’t see what R&D missed here. It’s almost fascinating how just a few words being changed would make Madeleine not bad. Meanwhile, a whole new card type (Critical Trigger! Stand Trigger! Seriously, just be a bloody Trigger!) would benefit Compote since it’s just a worse Waffle while in the Forerunner position.

I just can’t. Like, okay, I’m gonna wrap up this entire thing with a nice little tl;dr for anyone that’s skimming; Madeleine is alright-ish? Terrible GenBreak2 with an on-miss that’s not as compelling when this isn’t a deck that can reliably attack multiple times just yet. Compote? SOMEONE SAVE THIS CLAN.

See you.